About This Work
Along with developing subscriber production assets, I also developed promotions to Act-On customers to promote the department's offerings. In the "Guides Campaign," I took a knowledge base of marketing automation best practices and produced best practices guides used in Act-On outbound automated customer nurture campaigns. Working with a content development team, I structured, designed, copy edited and produced production ready best practice guides along with supporting digital assets. Work included; graphics, HTML 5 responsive web design development, Act-On administration, production of promotional assets, and enabling reporting. I used custom HTML, CSS, and JavaScript that expanded the render effects and capabilities of the contact management platform. I also developed, packaged and promoted service offerings. Many assets were configured for Web and print PDF presentation.
See sample assets:
Deliverability News Landing Email Newsletter Strategy Package
About Act-On Professional Services: Serving Act-On subscribers, Professional Services delivers best-in-class strategy, creative and implementation from with-in the Act-On Automated Marketing platform. Driving Act-On customer success with effective methods to enrich their customers' experiences during each stage of digital engagement, from prospect to lead and nurtured customer.
Work Process
Promotions to Act-On customers to promote the departments offerings. Working with a content development team, I structured, designed, copy edited and produced production ready marketing content and supporting digital assets.